Sunday, December 7, 2008

domestic battles, hormones and google

Hormones are flying all over the place. It’s like everyone in our household are battling their own wars. In fact we all are in our own unique ways. But it’s not the stress you need before Christmas. Not at all as a matter of fact. On a personal level, I’m going through some major changes, least of all physical. I feel exhausted, even the most mundane chores seems like mountains to climb. Do all women feel like this in their last stages of pregnancy? My friend Google must have the answer. I type in “pregnancy forgetfulness” which is my most apparent symptom. My husband knows it all too well, as I forgot to buy coffee the last time I did the grocery shopping. “Can’t you just remember the most basic thing I asked for?...for once?” he underlines.

Google comes back with 221000 results. This is encouraging. There are more women suffering from this. I read the top 5 and send another couple of links to Reinout just to demonstrate that I have a legitimate reason for blaming pregnancy (once more) as the culprit. He doesn’t respond. So I send him an email venting out my frustrations and dispair (it’s best to attack first, a tactic I know all too well but from the other side). He doesn’t respond to this either. Normally I let it go, but I can’t. I got to clarify myself, if not the next two weeks until maternity leave will be hell. Email number two gets a response. A good one. I even get an invite to come downstairs and watch a film with them. I’m not going to say no to an offer of truce. I go downstairs and we talk. We agree on me working less in the coming weeks, taking it easy and use the weekends to relax. It seems like a good tactic and in fact the only one that could work right now. So on that note, I will go and enjoy my bath, a cup of tea and my latest book that looks very promising “The girl with the Dragon Tattoo” by Stieg Larsson..

1 comment: said...

Hey Darling love, yes sometimes you need a bit of a fight to clarify things. You have been working too damn hard. I want you to take care of yourself. I care about you and the baby. Work right now comes in second. People at your work should know that you are at a point where things become harder for you.

Lastly, my love, I am proud on you, the baby, victoria and I am happy that we can enjoy christmas. My heart is with all of you. xxx

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