Monday, December 1, 2008


Finally December. God I have been looking forward to this month. Not so much because of Christmas but it’s become a major milestone for this year. For 3 reasons:

1) It’s the month I go on maternity leave (my body is craving this)
2) It may be the last month before 3 becomes 4 (but it could also be February)
3) It’s Christmas after all (well in 3 weeks)

Instead of counting milk and shampoo bottles (I have this weird little habit of counting down the days to something I really long for by seeing the content of a bottle diminishing day by day), I now have a real scientific benchmark for my progress. I celebrate this with a cup of coffee and a slow wake-up in bed. The latter is needed as migraine has struck, probably as a result of blocked sinuses. This cold is still lingering, and in fact has broken out in full force. I take this as a good sign though and it should be a matter of days before it has cleared up.

Today is a relatively busy day, with a press release going out this morning for our latest Ex Machina product line PlayToTV. So I have to rush, but more stories and adventures later.


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