Thursday, November 20, 2008

dreams and sleepless nights

From early morning until now, I’ve been trawling the net for good site designs. I’m exhausted, and as I got a lousy 4 hours sleep last night, I am desperate to catch some sleep. Hopefully this night will not generate any strange dreams like last, when I woke up in the middle of the night convinced that there was a rat crawling up in the corner of the room, next to the mirror. Reinout calming me down didn’t really help, and for what seem like several long minutes, I stared myself blind on the spot checking if there was no creepy animal lurking about.

Being the avid researcher that I am I did some research on dreams in pregnancy. As it turns out vivid and often crazy dreams are quite the norm during pregnancy because of increased progesterone and increased awakenings from dream-filled REM (rapid eye movement) sleep. It is suppose to symbolize your excitement, fear, and apprehension about the physical and emotional changes happening to you.

Well, dreams or no dreams, I’m off to bed...Goodnight!

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